To Be Eligible
Eligibility for a scholarship includes the following:
- Australian residency status
- Planning to enrol or enrolled in a tertiary course of study (recognised under the Australian Qualifications Framework) for one or more academic years at a university, TAFE or a registered training organisation in Australia.
- Be studying or planning to study full-time, online or face to face. Priority is given to those who have not previously undertaken tertiary education.
- Applicants who are seeking a scholarship for a second degree, or a graduate degree, Masters or Doctorate will be given lower priority.
- If an applicant has received a Long Tan Bursary, they cannot be considered for another Long Tan Bursary.
- In receipt of, or eligible to receive, Centrelink payments including Youth Allowance, ABSTUDY, Austudy or an accepted means-tested Commonwealth government payment.
- Be a child or a grandchild of an ex-serving veteran. Children include adopted children, ex-nuptial children, stepchildren and foster children. Stepchildren and foster children must have resided with, or been financially supported by, their veteran stepparent or foster parent for 5 of the last 10 years. Grandchildren are defined as the children of one’s son or daughter. Step-grandchildren are not eligible.
- The veteran must be an Australian ex-serving veteran with operational service including eligible war service, war-like service and peacekeeping/peacemaking service OR 3 or more continuous years of full-time other service, as a member of the
Australian Navy, Army or Air Force.
- People who are serving in the Reserve Forces (SERCAT 3, 4 & 5 – Rendering Service) are considered to be serving so the applicant child or grandchild is not eligible.
The same application form is used for all scholarships. Applicants will be considered for all scholarships for which they are eligible.
How is my application assessed?
Applications are considered by a team of independent assessors and AVCAT’s National Selection Committee. Each applicant is assessed on the following:
Financial need
Applicants should be eligible on income and assets grounds for full-time means-tested educational benefits like Youth Allowance, ABSTUDY or Austudy or an accepted means-tested Commonwealth government payment at the time of application. In assessing the financial need, income, household assets and liabilities are reviewed. Applicants who have a greater degree of financial need for assistance with educational and living costs will have a higher chance to be recommended for a scholarship.
Academic potential
An assessment is made about the ability of the applicant to complete the nominated course of study and is dependent on recent academic results and an academic referee or employer report.
The assessors consider the impacts of the applicants’ personal, health and family circumstances. Deservedness is based how the veteran’s service in the Australian Defence Force has impacted the family’s health and wellbeing. Applicants will need to detail the health conditions of the veterans.
Apply online at Applications open on 18 August 2022, Vietnam Veterans’ Day, and close at midnight AEDT on 31 October 2022.