
Mellori Solutions are proud supporters of the Ronin Veterans Rugby Club and the amazing work they do to support the Australian Defence community and help raise awareness for PTSD and mental health.

This weekend, Ronin Vets will be joining forces with Queensland Police Service Rugby Union members for what is one of their biggest undertakings so far!

The joint effort will see all the players come together where they will be attempting to raise money and awareness for military and police charities that support its members and vets with PTSD and mental health issues. The two teams will be playing non-stop for at-least 34 hours in a World Record attempt for the longest rugby touch match ever, in Toowoomba QLD.

#OFFLOAD23 will take place on the 14-15 October as part of #queenslandmentalhealthweek activities.



Congratulations to RONIN VETERANS for officially being recognised as world record holders for ‘The longest marathon playing touch/mini/tag rugby’ at just over 34 hours.

A fantastic effort by all to support the Australian Defence community and help raise awareness for PTSD and mental health. They also raised over $12,000 for charity!